Watamote chapter parody
These are parody/derivatives I know based on watamote chapters. Listed by volumes. I only do this after vol 13. if you got something to add, contact me
- 1 misc
- 2 14
- 3 15
- 4 16
Yuyushiki chapter list
I'm taking extended break for Yuyushiki. So I move the sandbox here
- 1 Yuyushiki
- 2 Note
- 3 Vol 4-5
- 4 Vol 6
- 5 Vol 7&8
- 6 Vol 9-10
- 7 Vol 11+Vol 12 (unpublished)
Edition 2016 7* mentioned 100th publication but between 2008 4-2016 7 the only matching number is 100 months. There are 6 chapters surplus if we assume 1 chapter per month. Since we confirmed the chapter description up to edition 2010 6 (middle of vol 3), that left vol 1-2 as having 6 months of double issue (I spent 1 month working on this just to confirm this suspicion in the first
- was published on June 2016, further confirmed by a fanart marking 100th https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/57352897
Front Illus: Yuyushiki doesn’t have official numbering so the big box illustration in beginning of chapters i…
Hyoroemon yuri history
In middle school I watch Mewmew and see these 2 and think "These 2 girls must be more than a teammate"
Find Touhou. Hooo girl. I start browsing non-h or arrive to the wikia yuri article. There I pick up Ojou-sama and Sakuya as my first ship.
June. Found Danbooru Thus start one of the most fulfilling 6 months of my life reading non-h daily
July friends have sleepover in my apartment and he play Mikupa concert, which include Luka's Magnet. I was clueless at times then one of them said "even though this is a lesbi(an) song".
Late 2012 my laptop got reset and I lost my browsing bookmarks since 2010. Oh well this should teach me a lesson
August start college, this took big hit to my daily yuri reading
February. Little brother play Sak…
New Classifications
There's a new good way to classify more characters through their Chinese Zodiac signs, hope it'll attract more delight and enlightenment, The categories titles shall be in romaji, while the categories Akarui and Moe will merge into new categories describes the types in a creative and fun style, and don't worry i'll ravel out all of their traits in their description panel.
The terms that express the types will be set just like this:
- Rat will turn into 庭/Garden
- Ox will turn into 水晶/Crystal
- Tiger will turn into ネコ/Cat
- Rabbit will stay in 明るい/Bright
- Dragon will turn into 危険/Danger
- Snake will turn into Romantic
- Horse will turn into 花火/Fireworks
- Sheep will stay in 萌え/Moe
- Monkey will turn into トランプ/Playing Card
- Rooster will stay in ヒメデレ/Himedere
- Dog will turn into 剣…
Renovation of metrics
I just thought of several new parameters to equip the infoboxes, this plan facilitate the access process to the desired definitions, without further delay, let's get to know them. First the loyalty parameter: It lights the character's steadiness, and her tendency of whether she's being loyal to a certain female or if she's just a womanizer (a female who always seems to have a new girlfriend, and who has no hesitation about starting up a new relationship before he's ended the last one), and if she's more inclined for being a loyal. Secondly, the fulfillment parameter: It lights the character's satisfaction or happiness as a result of fully forming a love relationship with a female, or if she was just a rejected and an unfulfilled soul. (:D …
Wiki Adoption
Hello everyone, I was wondering if it was okay for me to adopt this wiki, since it doesn't currently have an active admin?