Yuri Wiki
Anime 69564 1150983-1
Age 13
Gayness 10
Boldness 10
Commitment 8
Lewdness 7
Relationship Status In an open relationship

is a supporting character in the yuri series Hidan no Aria AA. A student in the Tokyo Butei High's Middle Division, and one of Division 2 CVR girls who is energetic and acts deredere towards Raika, their previous substitute instructor.

Yuri Feats[]

  • When she witnessed Raika's pressing and shooting technique, pink beating hearts formed around her and she admired how cool she was.
  • In the CVR training room, she got on top of Raika on the bed and rested her head on her thighs, called her cute.
  • She congratulated Raika and Kirin when they became Amica brides in the CVR room along with Division 2.
  • When Kirin and Division 2 were picking out bathing suits, they showed Raika a swimsuit they had picked out for her and recommended it to her, complimenting her on her perfect figure.
  • She was delighted to view Raika and Kirin atop a float after they came down the slide, and encouraged Raika to kiss Kirin.
  • She tried to encourage Raika to give lessons to Kirin and Division 2 again.

