Yuri Wiki
Haruki Sagae
寒河江 春紀
Sagae Haruki
Age 18
Gayness 10
Boldness 9
Commitment 10
Lewdness 5
Relationship Status In a relationship

Haruki Sagae is one of the main characters of the yuri series Akuma no Riddle. A former student of the 10th year's Black Class at Myōjō Academy. A carefree and fashionable girl who loves eating Pocky snacks.

Yuri Feats

  • At her first arrival to the dorm room with Isuke, she flirt with her by winking at her with admiration.
  • She uses the name complementary (-sama) when she calls Isuke's.
  • After she notices Isuke's nails, she gave a praise to them.
  • Her ways to show affection is playful and wild, like when she grabbed Isuke's arms substantially to let her know that she likes her nails art. And when she hit Haru on her forehead playfully to tease her she seems to be enjoying the playful teasing experience.
  • In the manga it was revealed that Haruki and Isuke are dating in the end.

